Gin & Zin

Labor and Delivery


My life feels like labor and delivery right now. No I am not pregnant but the parallels truly are slapping me in the face.  I’ve always thought that labor is a time when you really need to be in your physical prime (yet you’re a whale) and you need lots of energy (but you’re exhausted from growing a human and peeing all night). For one of life’s most physically and mentally demanding events, you really go into it pretty blimpy, haggard, and squidgy around the edges. It’s annoyingly ironic, almost humorous, even (unless you are in late pregnancy right now, and then you most definitely are not laughing… Cue: emoji with round circle eyes and straight small mouth.)

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Hello 2016

Let me set the scene, It’s 12:40pm and I am sitting at the kitchen table in my PJs, yes my pjs. Because what’s the point of getting dressed. I just put my 2.5year old down for what I am sure will be another failed attempt at a nap and my 2month old is asleep on me in the Ergo. Which means I will have to be in constant motion as I type to keep him asleep. I have my Coffee on my right and my “Detox” water on my left (my lazy attempt at loosing my baby weight).  My current status is pretty fitting for my first ever attempt at a “moms” blog post.

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