Gin & Zin

Good moms. Guilty moms.

We are only human. We have basic needs and desires, too. But mom guilt is real! The guilt we put on ourselves is horrible and not right! So, we wanted to share the other side of motherhood. We have put together a list of some of our confessions…. We hope you laugh, relate and enjoy! You’re still a great mom if you…..

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Interview with Ashley, on being a Single Mom


Who are you?

I am a single mom of 2 absolutely incredible little kids whom I love taking down to our travel trailer in Pismo Beach for days of just playing on the sand. We all enjoy playing pretty much anything outside and practicing our baseball skills. I am a real estate agent who loves my job and I’m not just a football fan, but a Packers fan for life.

What is your biggest strength as a mom?

Truly wanting to play and hang out with my kids. I know that there are times when the laptop and phone need to be put away, and a crazy game of tetherball needs to take place.

How do you spend your time away from your children?

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If only I could hit the pause button.



Today I fed my 6 month baby boy solids for the first time. Just writing this brings tears to my eyes. He is ready for solids, but I am not. I’m not ready to share him. I love that I am all he needs to be happy and healthy.  For 9 months he thrived in my body and then for 6 months he thrived off of the milk my body provided for him. It’s beautifully amazing. Read more

Outing Tip: Activity Bag.


I love eating out. LOVE IT!!! To be honest, I wish I could eat out everyday and never cook again. But lately when I go out to eat I have been seeing an increasing number of kids bouncing off the walls and out of control at restaurants, and the parents looked frustrated and stressed. Going out to eat as a family should be an enjoyable experience! Then I noticed they all have one thing in common. No activity bag. Parents please, you can’t expect your little ones to just quietly sit still through your entire dining experience. It’s just not fair. Their curious little minds and hyper little bodies aren’t made for it yet. If your little one has no problem sitting still at a restaurant, well then you’re one of the lucky ones. Soak it up! Read more

Discipline Tip: Praise More

Do you ever have those days, or weeks even, when it seems like your kid is constantly testing boundaries? When they are saying “no” to everything you ask?  Blatantly ignoring your calls or requests. Arguing with everything you say.  When this happens, we as parents often fall into a rut ourselves. We get stuck in “reprimand mode.”  Patience is gone and it seems like we’re living in “time outs.” It’s those times when it seems like nothing you’re doing is getting through. It’s the worst. I just finished living one of those weeks with my almost-3yr-old. She was stuck in mean mode so I was stuck in angry mode. I missed my awesome little girl and was wondering if she would ever come back. Read more

My Top 5 Gear Picks!

I wanted to share with you my favorite and most used baby/kid gear. Because I’ve been working with kiddos for 10 years I have used A LOT of gear! I will tell you that I research things to death before I purchase them so this list is legit. Enjoy.

  1. Let there be ERGO! If you have a baby that likes to be your barnicle than the Ergo is a life saver! Even if they’re not a cling-on like my little guy, the Ergo provides an easy and comfortable way for you to be hands free all while providing the closeness that our littles need. This carrier will take you through the toddler years. I recently had the pleasure of using the newest edition, the Ergo Baby Four position 360. You can wear your babe on the front, both sides and back! It was a dream! Read more

I can’t adult today…


Today was one of those totally overwhelming days. To be honest I’ve had a string of them. House is still a disaster from the Easter party I threw, apparently I need to do laundry since my daughter is out of underwear and both my kids are out of pj’s, bills are stacked high and my room looks like I just moved in yesterday. Just to name a few things on my list of too many. Deep breath. Today was going to be my “catch up” day, but I got called into work so there’s that. Oh ya, and my almost 3 year old thinks it’s awesome to say no to EVERYTHING. Why does she do that?!?! Read more

A must share.

I recently read the following by George Carlin and I thought that is was the perfect reminder to remember what is truly important. If you are guilty as I am for some of the things he listed, don’t hesitate for a second to make a change. We are living in a time where more LOVE is needed above all else. Read this, reflect, give more love and be the change.  Read more

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